CPR Certification Online - Why Everyone Should Learn It?
You might have heard CPR at some point in your life. You knew about its importance in school. You may see it on the news. Prominently, it’s featured on the prime-time shows. Those who perform it are known as life savers. But do you know what it takes to save someone’s life with CPR? It is a specific technique used to pump someone’s chest till medical help arrives. Proper application of this simple skill can make a great difference between someone’s life and death. You will be shocked to know that several seemingly healthy people suffer from cardiac arrest due to accidents or extreme situations. The majority of people suffering from sudden cardiac arrest die. Cardiac arrest will happen to someone in a home or office. Learning how to perform CPR & AED properly has a great chance of saving one of your loved ones or friends’ lives. But before that taking CPR Certification is crucial. What is SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) – Sudden Cardiac Arrest is not a heart attack. But heart att...